Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This is some of the quotes I've taken from on her entry about her school teacher, Miss Puspa (30th March 2008). Her blog is one of the good reading blogs. Enjoy!

“Treat people like you would want your mother to be treated. Because every person you meet, whether he sweeps the road, or collects rubbish from the street, is someone’s mother. He or she may be only a rubbish collector to you, but he or she is a daughter, father, son, sister, wife, friend, husband to someone”

For a whole year, Ms Pushpa called me and my friends ‘names’ in class. I myself have been called everything from ‘pathetic’, ‘idiotic’, ‘weird’ to ‘individualistic’. Phrases like ‘never used brains’, ‘no brains’, ‘stoned’ and ‘cat got your tongue’ too has been made in reference to me…=)

It was only after one year that Ms Pushpa stopped calling us names, and one day she asked us if we knew why. We said no.She said “Because you have all learned and you have all grown up. You have learned that no matter what someone else calls you, it doesn’t make you any less of the person that you are. Words can hurt, but at the end of the day, they’re just words”…

“You don’t need to justify your happiness. A truly happy person never says ‘I am happy because…’. If you’re happy, you don’t owe anyone an explanation”.


1 comment:

rhymee suhaili said...

Words could be just words. But words that being uttered out from the heart may cause hurt unexpectedly...