Saturday, June 24, 2006

Me and Saturday

Today is Saturday and I woke up around 6.45am. So, the first thing I did was letting Imau, Itam and Monty out of the cage. Change their litter and feed them and the birds. That's Imau.Isn't he adorable?

After that, did some gardening. Well, they need fertilizer. All I can say all the plants are undernourished. Hmmm, since I’m house-sitting, I just trimmed them to the bare so that it will bloom again.
We’ll see in two months time.

It has been almost three weeks I left Mukah. Actually, it is only for few days but the maid got fired because she is unreliable. Besides, my sister and her husband left for KL. Nobody is at home to watch the house. I hope they will be back this Monday.

I don’t know whether they will get a maid sooner but for sure I need to go home.I just miss Twinkle. If you are a mother, you know how it is feels to be away from your nine months old child. Hmm… I called home every night, checking on her. My mum told me she knows very well how to clap hands and disturbing her great nanny. It seems she is maneuvering her walker expertly. She knows the right time to sway or stop. Notice the pants on her head. I purposely put it on her head. Really in fashion!!!!

My friend called me last night, well actually I asked him to call me. Melbourne to Kuching is awful cheaper compared to Kuching to Melbourne. It is good to have a rattling and mumbling with him. We talked about World Cup. Mind you, I am not an avid fan, but I just follow the current flow. My friend told me Australia has made it to the 16 teams aka next round. So, they will be up against Italy. I told him, “Hahahaha…. Surely they will lose. Italy is strong”. But he told me it won’t be the case since Italy is not as strong as before. I guess I assumed Italy is strong because they were World Cup Champion. Besides, Australia hasn’t been in the World Cup since 1978. Regardless, I will make sure I’m up to watch the game. Funny, in my head I can see koalas against spaghetti bolognaise. Don’t ask me why.

1 comment:

Twinkle said...

Waaa.. how could you say that?? I know Socceroo is kangaroo. I kidnap Cola later on, then u know