Last Saturday and Sunday were a little bit tiring and yet unforgettable for me. Well, my uncle got married and his marriage is documentated by RTM and TV3 for being a Melanau's Wedding. It is one of the ways to show people in general the tradition and custom of Melanau people. I have no idea when are they going to show it on TV.
Well, I am not going to tell all the details of Melanau's custom on getting married because it is confusing and I don't want to give wrong information. A marriage affair for Melanau is for me a little bit complicated and intricate. There are a lots of do's and don'ts. However, it is quite pleasing to see and involve in this tradition and custom instead of only having a 'cowboy marriage'. You know, go to the registration office, signed and have a lavish dinner.
Ok, the reason why there is no picture of me beacuse I was 'busy' taking pictures of others. But, I did wear that pink kebaya. It was challenging for me because I need to take care of Twinkle and at the same time trying to be involved as much as I can. As usual, on of my typical busy body aunties asking me,"Eh.. when is yours going to be?". I looked at her and told her,"No need la... I already have Twinkle". Hehehehe padan muka!
To the couple.... Congratulations.... May both of you have a blessed marriage and lots of kids!
what's that thing under the bamboo hat? I hope that was the coconut that you were referring to....
Beautiful wedding!
Great pictures. I liked the first pic, looks like a good place for a dip!
I see your sis has a drum in her hand. What do you call those drums?
Twinkle looks very sweet as usual.
But still no picture of a pink kebaya.
byron: Yes, that's the coconut. I don't know the significant of the coconut. Maybe another way telling the brides that the groom has ball big as the coconut? Hehehehehe
phil: Thanks Phil. That drum they called it gendang. Pink kebaya.. err... hehehe I am just not ready to put it out yet.
I wish to know more about Melanau. Melaunau Belawai. I searched on the net but there is not much that i can learn. Please help me to learn... Please~~~~~
thank for the information.....and i would like to say thank you coz you have help me with my assignment on melanau wedding.
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