Friday, February 15, 2008

2008: Year of Rat

Ok... I stumble into this... Hmm... So.. keep on reading ya all!

THE RAT (Water): (1912, '24, '36, '48, '60, '72, '84, '96, 2008)
A year to find the place where you feel you can lead others best. Leadership will be important. Others may seek you out as a way of drawing on your expertise. Make sure that you are in projects to help others as well, so that the benefits flow to you from your good intentions. Don't get stuck in time-wasting work this year. Focus on your progress for 2008.

THE OX (Earth): (1913, '25, '37, '49, '61, '73, '85, '97, 2009)
This is a very good year for the Ox, as the Rat supports you in your endeavours. Avoid being in negative situations where others try to influence you to look on the down side. This is a year to do things to help others, and you'll love doing it at the same time. Many opportunities will emerge for you in 2008.

THE TIGER (Wood): (1914, '26, '38, '50, '62, '74, '86, '98, 2010)
Tigers enjoy being the centre of things, but this year will be more of a year where you have to ride along with it. The benefits will flow if you have challenges, and positive works will then flow from what you do. Pig and Dog year people will be very helpful for you this year. Offer them some help, too.

THE RABBIT (Wood): (1915, '27, '39, 51, '63, '75, '87, '99, 2011) This year may well be the personal year of delving into your past and your own deeper issues. If you develop any romantic attractions to others, make sure that you are clear on what you want and who they are, otherwise it may surprise you the wrong way. The normal worrying that overtakes the Rabbit is not useful this year. Be calm and appreciate others, so that you can see their potentials.

THE DRAGON (Earth): (1904, '16, '28, '40, '52, '64, '76, '88, 2000)
The Rat year certainly favours the Dragon, and this is your year for leadership. You'll find that things fall into place more easily this year. If you team up with a Rat, Monkey or Rooster person, you'll be helped considerably. You have the chance to expand your money this year. Be primed for any opportunity.

THE SNAKE (Fire): (1905, '17, '29, '41, '53, '65, '77, '89, 2001)
There's a lot of activity around you in 2008 – and the trick is to be in the right place to take advantage of it. After 2007 having been a bad year for you, 2008 is now welcome. Make it clear what you stand for and don't compromise any of your principles. Team up with a Monkey or an Ox this year for help. Avoid gossip and negative slander sessions with others.

THE HORSE (Fire): (1906, '18, '30, '42, '54, '66, '78, '90, 2002)
This year is a clash between the Rat and Horse. It's a serious clash between Water and Fire elements, which can bring injury or accidents. Therefore those born in the year of the Horse have to be particularly careful about clashing. Born in the Horse year, you need to carry the pendant of an Ox all year which will help neutralise the Rat, and minimise any negative influences. The year still has potential for you, if you avoid the personal clashes. Loving yourself is a key emotion this year.

THE SHEEP (Earth): (1907, '19, '31, '43, '55, '67, '79, '91, 2003)
You're given lots of encouragement this year from others that you didn't know appreciated you. You don't have to work right up front, as you'll find that doing things in the background will work better for you. There can be a romance in the air this year if you need one, or your relationship will deepen very much in 2008. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you want. Also don't be afraid to wait a bit on the sidelines, as things are will be falling into place for 2009.

THE MONKEY (Metal): (1908, '20, '32, '44, '56, '68, '80, '92, 2004)
Monkeys stand to get lots of recognition this year – and lots of opportunities to be where you can get your projects done. The Rat favours you, but make sure you don't step on toes, especially from people in the past. Its a good year to show your talents; you can find a helpful person in the Rat or Dragon personality.

THE ROOSTER (Metal): (1909, '21, '33, '45, '57, '69, '81, '93, 2005)
The year is going to be one that gives you challenges, though at times it will seem over the top. Your big direction this year is to develop clarity about how you work on the inside. You often have leadership positions, but they will be challenged this year. Your lesson is around how well you can hand over leadership to others – you are so used to leading that maybe you don't question yourself. Take a lesson from your heart and follow it in 2008. Cooperation is a theme for you.

THE DOG (Earth): (1910, '22, '34, '46, '58, '70, '82, '94, 2006)
The year is going to bring you lots of energy and it will seem that you may miss out on things if you cannot align your energies to everyone else. You appreciate the energy of the year and can get great help from the Rat. Remember your aspects of compassion, understanding and being gentle with others. Set aside times for yourself and go away for the weekends with plenty of time to relax and escape. Try a retreat in 2008.

THE PIG (Water): (1911, '23, '35, '47, '59, '71, '83, '95, 2007)
The year of the Rat is about opportunity and work, business and more hard work. The Pig, on the other hand, prefers to take time out, live it up and enjoy the benefits of his environment. In the Rat year, you have to take note of work and see where others are at. There will be a lot of activity going on around you and its important to make sure you can move along with some of it. Your sense of the good times will be in demand and others will appreciate your natural cheer and goodwill. Stay in your place, do what you need to help others and you'll make it through the year okay.

Anyway, I am FIRE SNAKE... Good year for me though. Oh well... I really need it anyway...

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