Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
My baby... in church...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Al and Twinkle
I got this picture from my sister. Really love it! It just radiates love, bliss and love.... Can't stop smiling whenever I look at this picture...
Monday, June 09, 2008
Flowers around my house...
Yesterday was raining and cloudy. It was a good weather for me to do some gardening. At least I have something to do since Twinkle is still in Kuching. She is coming back this Saturday.
I moved all my ribbon bamboos here. I have three pots of them. My friends told me arranging them in three lines will give more luck. So, I did. I repositioned all the red ribbons to the eighth's leaves. The other two pots hasn't earned any ribbon yet since they haven't give me any flower. Oh ya, another two flowers coming up from the biggest one. Soon it will be 12 ribbons in total! Yeaaah! (I don't know why I am happy about this... I guess simple things makes me happy...).
I had these two plants for almost four years. Look at how big they are. All their 'kids' I've thrown away cause I want to make sure the 'mother' getting bigger. I save a few of them in smaller pots. You should see my hands now. Full with scratches!!! The edges of the leaves are studded with tiny and small thorns!!! I didn't wear gloves cause I don't want to spend money on unneccessary things.
So, there you are. Things that I've done during weekends. Now I am thinking on locations to plant my nine seedlings of sunflowers.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
“Treat people like you would want your mother to be treated. Because every person you meet, whether he sweeps the road, or collects rubbish from the street, is someone’s mother. He or she may be only a rubbish collector to you, but he or she is a daughter, father, son, sister, wife, friend, husband to someone”
For a whole year, Ms Pushpa called me and my friends ‘names’ in class. I myself have been called everything from ‘pathetic’, ‘idiotic’, ‘weird’ to ‘individualistic’. Phrases like ‘never used brains’, ‘no brains’, ‘stoned’ and ‘cat got your tongue’ too has been made in reference to me…=)
It was only after one year that Ms Pushpa stopped calling us names, and one day she asked us if we knew why. We said no.She said “Because you have all learned and you have all grown up. You have learned that no matter what someone else calls you, it doesn’t make you any less of the person that you are. Words can hurt, but at the end of the day, they’re just words”…
“You don’t need to justify your happiness. A truly happy person never says ‘I am happy because…’. If you’re happy, you don’t owe anyone an explanation”.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Happy Birthday to you!
Dear Cola's Papa,
Happy Birthday to you! I wish you lots of luck and blissful karma in this and the next life! Thank you for everything that you ave given me and Twinkle. There is no better friend than you, who loves and cares about me despite of what I had done to my life. You always been there for me even we are far away from each other.
Until then, I always hope that I will always have you. Till then.... hugs and kisses!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Aha, she is taller than before. I noticed she have her own opinion on certain things.
After coming back from work, I am actually responsible giving her bath and dinner in the afternoon. It is a good thing because I don't get to spend much time with her since I am out to work. That's the fact of being a working mother.
Hahahaha, I bought Ultraman tops for her to wear. I guess the look on her face is an Ultraman monster thing imitation. Scary according to her interpretation.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
I received e-mail from my friend containing these amazing pictures. Hmmm.... I decided to put it in my blog just for everyone to see. I guess some of you might have seen it before.
This guy is absolutely creative. Holding a sun in your hands! Remember some of the love song? "I give you the sun, the moon, the sky... etc". I guess this picture might be a validation of the song lyrics.
It look beautiful in this picture but NO ONE in the world wants to encounter it. So lucky Malaysia does not have hurricane. But Taiwan got.... right B?
When I first saw this picture, I was stunned. I don't think phyton is a safe pet to have around the house. But this little boy makes it look like a routine/normal to have a BATH with that blardyyy phyton! I hope that pet of his still remember, "Master IS NOT FOOD... Must refrain eat MASTER....". I guess because of limited brain capacity, a single threat ,"If you eat me.... You will be the next LV/GUCCI/PRADA Grade AAA imitation handbags or shoes!!" from the boy already frightened the snake..."
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Twinkle and ultraman...
She loves ultraman. My dad just happened to buy her this helmet. The cute thing is, whenever ultraman on tv, she will wears it and watch the show. Of course, she will try to 'zap' you with ultraman lightning too.
But of course, I try to encourge her to watch Barney or Marsupilami. Less violence I guess. Oh ya, she still jumps on top of me.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Anita's wedding....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My auntie and her cucu!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Twinkle and... chocolates on her face...
Lately, after watching lots of wrestling, Jackie Chan the cartoon, Ultraman etc... she starts practising her skills on me. Hmmm... for example jumping on top of me, punching me into the stomach. Man..... she is not like before.... I mean, she is getting heavier and I can't simply cope with her playful abuses. It is amusing for her but not for me.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Oh my car... not even 1000 mileage...
Yup, a clown decided to ram into my car. Hmm.. not even 736 mileage la my car. Blardy hell. Interestingly that lady clown has no license.
Well, the husband agreed to settle outside and pay the bill. Total is RM818. I am going to send my car to the workshop next Monday for three days. **sigh**