Tuesday, April 01, 2008

What's in the box?

Big box....

Yes, I still keep the box even after two weeks of my holiday. Why? You will figure it out...









Now you understand why?
Ha..ha..ha.. Kids...

Cola's papa bought teddy bear and Barbie for her. She manages to play with it only for a while and get bored of it!! Yet... this box that used to pack my 20kg things makes her happy! I decided not to throw it away and just keep the blardy box at our verandah.

Look at her hair! She is always sweaty all the time. I feel intimidated with her hair! Hmm... luckily I remembered to buy hair clipper so that I can cut her hair easier. Not so bad for my first attempt....

He..he..he.. I took this blanket from MAS. Free what?


She looks better... and neat! I have to confess....there is a noticable uneven patch at the back of her head. It was her fault la!!! She couldn't stay still! Nope, I am not going to take picture of that. Pleaseeeeeee tell me that you guys love her new hair cut. She has no complain... yet.

Oh ya, yesterday (Monday) I took one day emergency leave because she had fever. My mum jokingly told me maybe because after her new weird boyish haircut from her self_declared_competent_hairdresser mother (which her CV states.. ehem...Experience: Can trim dog's aka Cola's hair/fur/tail or whatever you call it without causing any injury) she got this fever.

It might be over reacting but, when I saw her shaking and yet her temperature high, I was panicking and took her to the clinic. Hmmm... nothing serious though. Head, foot and mouth disease cases are still reported, so I just have to be sure that Twinkle does not have that **touch wood**.

When I left her for work this morning, she is back to normal. HAppy for that!


Byron Chen said...

Why not cut a hole on the box and make her a window...

haha I thought that blanket looks familiar..

Twinkle said...

byron: Hmmm.... I rather leave it as it is since she can pretend that nobody can find her. Hehehehehe... hide and seek.. you know...

Yup.. that blanket, I tapau from MAS.