Well, I guess it is a good idea to put a happy pictures of kids. So, that's Twinkle with her doll Dedek (given by Auntie Theresa to her). You know what, whenever she is naughty, I just grab Dedek and hit the doll on the bum. Then, Twinkle will starts to cry and stop doing whatever she's been doing and running towards me to rescue Dedek. Hehehehehe, I try to avoid pinching or hitting her ( oi... I am not abusing my baby, but I give her some hit on her bum, which is protected by her pampers!!). Even worst, I even hit her Patrick (the soft toy that always accompany her to sleep). Then, she will be like....... "Mummyyy!!!!! Sorry!!!". Then, as always trying to rescue her soft toy from further abuse by me.
The other two pictures... hmm just loving it. It is simply therapheutic by gazing at it. It is almost... what can I say... stress free pictures. Kids... they are just simply blessing in life. Lucky me, I have one.
aww twinkle is gorgeous as well!! i wish i hv my babies soon, boleh tolong cari boyfren for me? hehe!!!
jane: Hehehehe... Boleh... berapa kilo bf u nak?
didn't know Twinkle is the jealous type. hehe
Yah kids are truly blessings! Soo beautiful to look at and comforting to have around. Hope I can see Twinkle soon when i go to Mukah.
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